Instructions for Online Crime Reporting

In order to collect the proper information required to complete your police report, you will be asked to provide information in several sections. Those sections are listed below and explained briefly to give you a better idea what type of information is required for each of the sections.

Incident Details

This section gathers when this event occurred, where it occurred, and if you may have an idea who may have committed the crime. Most of the questions in this section are required and must be entered before you can continue to the next section.

Victim Section

This section gathers information on the victim(s) of the crime. At least one victim must be entered on the report. You may enter either a person victim or a business victim. You can add multiple victims by clicking the New Victim button at the end of the victim section. It is very important to give us good contact information so you can be reached by the department, if needed. You must specify an email address or a phone number for each victim.

Reporting Person Section

This section gathers information about the person reporting the crime. This information is necessary in order contact the person who reported the crime, if needed. This section must be completed in order to file an online crime report.

Crime Details

In this section, you will be prompted to answer specific questions pertaining to the offense you chose in the Incident Details section. You will also be given an area to enter the details surrounding the crime. Please be specific in this area. The more information you provide makes it easier for the Police to investigate your crime. This is a mandatory section.

Property Section

Most of the crimes listed above will have something to do with property being stolen or damaged. In this section, you will list all of the property involved with your crime report. If you have serial numbers for these items, please be sure to enter those on this form.